Tug of War Challenge

The Tug of War challenge required my partner and I to create a robot that can pull the competitors across a line drawn on a table. The robots would be locked together by the string with a paperclip at the end which each had secured to the back end of their robots. The only restriction was the use of only two motors. All robots would run on AC power to keep the contest fair. We were graded on the amount of matches are robot managed to win.

Tug of War Original Design

Our original design used a small gear to a large gear to give the robot a large amount of torque without hindering it's speed. We connected the front and back wheels with gears to give it four wheel drive. This light weight design initially stood undefeated until a slower robot with more torque and weight managed to beat our design.

Final Design

Our next and final design removed almost all of our robot's speed but greatly increased it's torque. We also greatly increased the robot's weight so it could not easily be pulled by other robots. Our new gear design was much more complex and involved a much better system of gearing down to give increased torque. This new design held the title of undefeated champion for our period 4 Robotics class.